Well, as for news from the mish, we had interviews with Presidente o Thursday. I love that man. He basically told us that 1) we're not staying together next transfer because he needs hard workers in more areas and 2) he might be closing the area if it doesnt pick up. We have 16 missionaries leaving and only 3 arriving because ALL the americans are still stuck in the US. Bummerrrrrrr. I'm kinda with the idea of giving it one more transfer. I like this area. I dont LOVE it, but i like it, and dont want to give up. But at the same tme, pres needs to close 8 or 9 areas, and why keep open an area thats not working? It has a lot to do with the help from the members and potential, etc. This area has always been a bit.... difficult. The members give references, but then just leave it at that, and dont even help their neightbor go to church. But we'll see. I hate packing, but I would love to be back in the city, closer to people. I feel so isolated out here, haha.
As for a little culture note: Everyday we ride things called "conveys" which are basically an old white VW van that someone drives back and forth between the many cities here, and they cram as many people into it as they can. My personal space bubble has definitely popped. But its much cheaper and much faster than the bus, so there is a healthy, thriving business here in Carpina of these conveys. Tey have them otehr areas, we took a few in Caruaru too. And there are also little cars that go between the cities, which are a lot faster, but a bit more expensive... thought still not more than the bus.
Aother culture note. Jesus is used as a Marketing item here. Everything has something, like "Reborn with Jesus Chicken!" or "God Provides Lanchonete" or every car has "É Deus quem me deu" (Its God that gave me it) or everyone has t-shirts or other bumper stickers. I mean, its good that everyone is christian and believes in God and Christ, but cmon.... Have some respect. Its kinda ridiculous.
Ok, fotos (theres a LOT)
1) HUGE CLAY HEADS from this little city we went to today for p-day, where we met this guy that makes these things from clay to make molds to make huge heads out of fiberglass for carnaval. We had a great chat with him and he was very kind to let us poke around a bit =]
2) Pulling a little michael jackson move 

3) What it looks like where we are.... aka nothing.
4) Mateus, our cute baptism, with his cake we made for him!
5) Us and Mateus! I'm sooooooo tall
6) With the family
7) At zone conference, me, E Taylor and Sis Ortolani. I promise he's not flipping off the camera.
8) Me in my heels next to elder serra (who is already short, haha)
9) Fashion week!!!!!!!!!
10) A fun friend we found on the street, tasty!