Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Still in Caruaru

I didn´t get transfered! That´s right, Sis Jacobs and I are still tearin’ it up here in Caruaru.

Well, this week was quite an eventful one! The fun began when Sis Jacobs twisted her ankle Tuesday morning. It was quite a dainty fall and had me laughing, until I realized she had actually hurt herself. But we still went and taught our lesson to Adriano. It was awesome, because he definitely accepted our invitation to be baptised! We were both like “...wait, what? Uh, Parabens!!!!!!!” becasue we werent expecting him to reply so readily. Sis Jacobs thinks he´s a miracle, because at first he didnt seem that interested, and after he went to church the first time, he left way fast right after, and I thought he had hated it and never would return or something. But obviously, he didn’t hate it.

After we taught him, we limped over to a car dealership that some members work at and they took us to the hospital. They took an x-ray and luckily nothing was broken, just twisted. The doctor said she should avoid walking on it for the next week. Sis Jacobs looked at him, laughed, and said “Doctor, our work IS walking”. So we compromised and spent the rest of Tuesday, and all of Wednesday and Thursday in the apartment.

So, when you have a sick day at home, it´s kinda fun because you stay in your PJs and watch movies and drink soup and play around on Facebook. But as a missionary, you don´t do any of that. Well, I stayed in my gym shorts all day, but that´s about it. I read about half of Jesus the Christ, finished 2 Nefi in Portuguese, did the dishes, cleaned the apartment, reorganized my desk, wrote in my journal... We had such an outpouring of love from the members! They brought us out lunch Wednesday and Thursday, and Mercia and Monica, our two first baptisms last transfer, brough us dinner one night. Renata and Rafaela, two member girls here who are amazing, brought us food and hung out with us Wednesday and Thursday, which eliminated a lot of the drearyness. Renata did a split with me Thursday morning, so we could teach Adriano. I got to teach him about the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity (doesnt everyone love that one?). The best part was: he already knew about them! AND he is ALREADY living them! Solid! So, thank you Lord for that blessing.

Friday Sis Jacobs could kinda walk, so we set out for a busy day. We´ve actually had a pretty good week for having three days off. Another one of our investigators, Ana, committed to be baptised this Saturday, and the other son of Ronaldo and Luciana, Bruno, also. And another family we´re working with, Simoni and Edson, filled out their paperwork for getting married, so we´re just waiting for that to come through (it takes 15 days to get married here)! They LOVE the church and are SO excited. Edson is totally going to be a bishop or stake president someday.

This whole month is the festival of São João, and Caruaru has the biggest party in all of Brasil. It´s been crazy. They construct a mini city in the middle of the city for food and dancing and music and as missionaries we can´t go, but the member girls go and have lots of fun for us. But during the day we can go look at the places (see pictures below). It´s pretty fun, and I think I actually like forró, the style of music that is traditionally São João and Caruaru claims to be the birthplace of it.

That’s about all I have to report this week. Next week we’ll have some fun pictures of baptisms =]
~Sis Wilkinson

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sis wi...wi...wilikson

To explain the subject line, no one here can pronounce my name. Its fun hearing all the variations.
This week was AWESOME!!!!! Seriously. We had a Tour da Missao, where the area leader, Elder Soares, talked to us for 3 hours. It was an amazing training. And it was fun to see all my elder friends and speak in English, haha.

It´s been raining a lot here, with Winter on it´s way. Remember the seasons are reversed here. The river keeps flooding. Sigh.

We had a baptism on Saturday! Everton, the 8 year old son of Luciana and Ronaldo, the family we´ve been working with the entire transfer. He is SO solid. Everytime we visit he wants me tomarkl a new part in the livro de mormon for him to read. I know i wasnt reading the LdM like that when i was 8. How cool is this kid? And the familyis great too, I love them so much =] We´ve finally gotten the paperwork for luciana´s divorce sent in, so we just have to wait for the court date, and then her and ronaldo can get married, and then BAPTISED! YAY! They´re excited =]

We also got some AWESOME new investigators last week, Simoni and Edson, who are firme demais. Last night we commited them to be married and baptised. It was funny, they answered "Claro! COM CERTEZA!" and kinda with an inaudiable "duh!", hahaha They´re going in to get the marriage papers done today. It takes a 15 days to get married in Brasil, so in a few weeks we´ll have another amazing baptism. I´m excited because a year from now, i´ll be able to go to the temple with them and see them be sealed =D How amazing is that? I´m asmazed sometimes at the love I feel for these people that I met less than two weeks ago. I imagine what they´ll be like 10 or 20 years from now, and wonder if I´ll ever see them again in this life. Kinda sad, but I know I will see them again one day at least,ne?

We also have Moises and Claudia, who walked into the church on Wednesday (during a special fireside the members had with elder soares) and were like "hey, we want to know more,teach us" Moises has been looking for the true church of christ for years, so he tells us. I really felt the spirit strongly when we talked to them, the same way with that lady in the CTM i gave a LdM to. The only problem is,once again, they arent married, and also they´re YOUNG. as in, claudia is 17 and so theycant get married until shes 19 unless her dad gives permission, which he already said he wont. But,pela menos, precisamos esperar um ano, ne? er, i mean, at the least, we have to wait a year, ya?

OH!!! Funny thing of the week!!!! We were at a members house teaching a lesson to their neighbor, and after he was showing us mission pictures, and who should I see but JEREMY WALTON!!!! NOT EVEN KIDDING!!! So dad! You HAVE TO talk to mark walton and tell him to tell JEremy I met Elder Rogerio Araujo, who he know when he was Assistant or Secretary, in the Brasil Londrina missao. Ok? I just about died when I saw that picture. THe world of mormons is SO small, hahaha.

Transfers are Wednesday, so who knows where i´ll be writing from next week?!
Love you all! Remember I´m praying for all of you =]