Yesterday was my eight month mark. WHAT?! How does time go by SOOOOO fast! I'm almost at my halfway mark! I'm almost an entire pregnancy! I'm almost over the hill! Oh man, so weird. It seems like i've been here two months.
This week was long and tiring. We walked a lot, and had a lot of appointments fall through. People here are really flaky/lie to our faces. Slightly annoying. But that just means I need to try harder and find newer and better ways to do the work. There's always some way that I could improve.
Well, we still have our marked baptism, Xavier, and he's great. We have one other progressing investigator, Alexandre, who was a street contact. He's our age and quite the character. He keeps asking us if we want to go to the beach with him, and he also basically said he wants to marry me, and then he can move to the US and get better work. And out of the five things with the Word of Wisdom (coffee, tea, cigarettes, drugs and drinking) he has problems with 4 of them. But Sunday he went to church all by himself, and when we asked him if he read the part we left in the Book of Mormon, he summerized the chapter perfectly. Me and Sis Oliveira were like:
!!!!! hahaha. He'll be our miracle baptism.

Cool thing of the week!!!!! Grandpa Maxwell, this is for you! We had lunch with a woman in the ward, Carlota, and she's from Sao Paulo. She said her mom and grandma and aunt were baptised 50 years ago in Piracucaba, SP, and that her mom always talked about an "Elder Maxwell" and his brother who helped start the branch there (which is now a stake with 7 wards). Is that you Grandpa?! Do you remember a Luzia Patten, Adelaide Patten and Carlota Joas Patten? She also had photos of a few elders, named Jessie L. McCulley and James H. Barwick, who were there while you were (1947-1950, right?) Vovo, estou animada pra saber se elas realmente te conheciam! Eu acho que seria bem legal!!!
Anyway, familia, thats about it this week. I forgot to charge my camera unforunately, so expect a whole bunch of pictures next week!
Love you all. Remember I pray daily for each of you.