This week was pretty much AMAZING.
First off, we had Zone Conference on Wednesday, which was great. We got some great training about how to help our investigators and heard some great inspirational messages from Prez. I also got to see my Elder friends from the CTM, which is always a joy. I miss male companionship. And after the conference Prez Emerick took the WHOLE ZONE out to a churrascuria for lunch!!!!!!!!! Oh man, it was great meat, probably some of the best I´ve ever had. We sang Happy Birthday to Pres, because it´s bee a year since he became mission president, and then we all sang the mission hymn... Yeah, like 50+ missionaries belting that in a restaurant. It was great.
But the real excitement was this weekend. Friday night Simone and Edson got married! We had a beautiful service in the chapel and I almost cried when they said their vows and exchanged rings. I´m turning sappy here on the mish. We got special permission from Prez to go to the reception too!!!! So we got to stay out until 10:30!! Wooo!!! Hahahahaha, sad that that is "late" now.
But Saturday was even more awesome and this time I really did cry. I got to watch this little family, Simone, Edson, and their sons Joel (12) and Felix (8), one by one enter the waters of baptism. I can´t believe the happiness I felt watching them. And litle Felix was so cute, the water was practically up to his shoulders--he just got dipped under =]
It is so amazing to me that I get to be here in Brasil and to meet these people, my fellow brothers and sisters, and to know that I will get to be friends with them forever. Literally forever. D&C 18:15-16. It´s at moments like these that all the sweat and lack of sleep and gastronomical problems are worth it--to know that I, in some small way, helped someone start on the path that leads to eternal life. What greater thing could any of us really do in life?
On a totally completely different note, Sis Jacobs is in the New Era this month!!!!!!!!! Look for the article called "An Honesty Test"!!! She´s the "Patricia A. Jacobs" that wrote the article. How cool is that? Yeah, that´s right, my companion 

1) The Happy Couple!!!!!!!!
2) Sis Jacobs and I with the family. (I promise I´m not really as fat as I appear in this picture... The angle is horrible and it´s my bad side

3) Me and cute litle Felix!!!!
4) Have you ever seen something more beautiful? (Me with the family all dressed in white and Pres Rondon, their friend who baptised them)
Well, I love you all, and I hope you´re all doing well. Remember that I´m always praying for each of you, and that God loves you. You are His child and He is acutely aware of your personal joys and struggles in life. You can always depend on Him!
~Sis Wilkinson
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