Monday, January 18, 2010

04 Janeiro 2010

What?!?!?!?! 2010?????????

Wow, 2009 went by fast. I can tell i'm close to a year on the mission because basically all communication in the form of letters has ceased... oh well, we all knew that point would come, ne? For those that have sent packages... i think theyre here or coming. Brasil is funny like that, always keeps you guessing.

Our apartment is MUCH cleaner and organized and smells quite fresh now too. huzzah for pine sol!

Our new years was sooo lame. We even wrote a song about it. Basically, because we're new in the area, and we dont know anyone, no one invited us to their house. so we stayed home. and its not like we can watch a DVD or anything, so we played the guitar and tried to make brownies and ice cream, but the brownies burned and the ice cream didnt freeze, haha. We tried calling a couple of the elders just to chat, but they didnt really want to. Bah. So it was lame. And the work basically didnt happen the next few days because no one was home or they were drinking and we knocked on doors for awhile but to no avail. So we cleaned the apartment some more, haha. It was probably the most unproductive few days of my mission--but not because we werent trying! Now i know how missionaries in other missions feel.... im so glad im in Brasil!

But after Sunday (yesterday), its all good. We had a meeting with the ward mission leader and a bunch of people and we got a bunch of references and set up some family home evenings and activities---its gonna be soooo great.

Thats about it... this week was not very exciting.Oh! We did kinda have a miracle yesterday at church. We had an investigator, haha. But just not any investigator! She was the sister of a lady in Madalena. This lady in Madalena was taught/baptised by sis ortolani, and then we always visited her, and she always talked about her sister who lived way out in the middle of nowhere. What are the odds that the first sunday in carpina is also the first and only sunday this lady got her sister and took her to church, and they searched for the closest one and it was ours! I dont think thats a coincidence. The hand of the lord is truly guiding this work. I can see sooo much thast me and sis ortolani are meant to be here. my old district leader, e. shulze, when i got transfered, said "I think you're going somewhere very special" and its true. this is one area where i really feel like I need to be here.

Anyway, I hope you're all having a great new year, and that you're all happy! If you're not, stop being a downer and SMILE!!!!! Life really is great =]

~Sis Wilkinson

PS i would put pictures, but this computer is lame and the USB thing is broken............ im excited to get home and never ave to use a stupid lan house again.

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