"Think of a happy person!!" It´s me =]
Happy Birthday Linny! (yesterday...) I was thinking of you!
Life's great familia. We have 6 baptisms marked; Isaias and Adeildo for this Saturday, Joana and Leandro for the 26, and Janaina and her husband for the 3rd of October.
Last night we had a little festa with a bunch of our recent converts and Isaias and Adeildo (who are 15 and 20... it seems like most of our recent converts are 15-20) It was way fun. We watched the Joseph Smith: Profet of the Restauration film (which I have a copy of in Portuguese, haha) and after the film... Wow. The Spirit was SOOOOO strong familia. One by one, Sis Lemos, me, And Elders Stewart and Lucas bore our testimonies about Joseph Smith and his role as a prophet. If there's one point about my testimony that is strong, it is that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and that through him and the amazing sacrifices he made, including his own life, the gospel and everything we need for salvation were restored to the earth. It was really really good. Adeildo said that he really liked the film and felt something really strong. Woohoo!
We had interviews with President Tuesday in Gravatá, so that was a fun little road trip, with the 6 people in our district crammed into a 4 person car. But the time was spent well--Elder Halvorsen taught me the secrets of The Cube. Aka, how to do a rubik's cube. It´s so simple!!!!! I just need to practice. I can get the first two rows, but finishing it I just need to memorize some moves. But its something thats always been on my list of "Things to do in Life", so huzzah for doing life goals!
Anyway, interviews were great. I love President Emerick! Sis Lemos and I made an Apple pie for him and the Elders--it was well recieved 

Other adventures... Sis Lemos and I got lost in Salgado (a neighborhood here) again, and where did we end up? Right next to the Elder's house. Again. And what did I have in my bag? A bar of chocolate for Elder Stewart because it was his one year mark, but he hadnt been to lunch because he did a division with the other Elders. So we called them on the pay phone to see if they were nearby (again) but the credit was running out and I was panicking and it was hilarious. I think it was one of those "You had to be there" moments, but we certanly laughed!
Last P-day we went to a pool party with the Youth in the ward. It was way fun! Although it was kinda torturous to not be able to swim or dip my feet in the pool =[ Oh well, thats a sacrifice I can make.
THEN!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! FAMILIA!!!!!! We watched a movie called "Fireproof" and omg its probably one of the BEST movies I've seen!!!!!!!! Its about a couple who's about to get a divorce, but then the guy who was a real jerk starts doing things to save his marriage, and how you have to have the same love Christ has for us for your spouse and its just amazing. Everyone, go find it and watch it. Its not a Mormon film, but it might as well be. It had sooo may gospel truths. wow. Sis Lemos and I talked about it for three days after. And even the Elders liked it, haha.
Yesterday was Sis Lemos' birthday too, and I made her pancakes =] we had lunch with Mercia and Monica and a bunch of other people, and there was cake and ice cream and it was just good fun =] Its amazing the love the people have for us here. I remember for my birthday, I couldnt understand or speak hardly at all, but still people had a party for me and just showed so much love =D What a great example to me of who I need to be!
Anyway, I think thats about it for the week. I love you all and pray for you every night!!!!! Remember to read your scriptures and pray and that Heavenly Father loves you!
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