Dear Familia.
It. Is. HOT. And it's not even summer yet!! Gah! I'm drinking about 4 liters of water every day and then sweating most of it out. I sweat more than I ever have, even playing field hockey in August or digging in Jordan. Every time I remove my bag, there is a LOVELY sweat mark right across the front of my chest, and my back always has sweat dripping down it as we walk.
And I know i'll miss it when i'm home =]
This week went by SO fast! No one here celebrates Halloween... Sad day, becasue its basically my favorite holiday (and Christmas). But, we helped a lady in our ward decorate her house for Halloween, because every year she has this big party for all the kids in the area and gets references for us from the parents, woo! So we painted the walls of her yard and Elder Whiting and I carved pumpkins, true American style. And I have a totally cute picture of us with our pumpkins, but of course, technology hates me and my camera died. Again. The moment I decided to use it. Such is life. This internet cafe is really slow anyway, so next week, when i'm back at the usual, faster one, I will send lots of fun pictures =]
We have a baptism this Saturday, Poliany, the wife of a less active member, but he's coming back to church now too. They´re a cute little family =] I don't think i've ever taught a more beautiful person--shes gorgeous. We call her barbie becasue she has very bleach blonde hair (not natural, but it works for her). We also have two sisters we're teaching, Daniele e Daisy, who remind me a lot of me and Linny. Way fun to teach them, becasue theyre our age and hilarious. We're going to teeach them again tomorrow. But they watchd The Testaments without us and LOVED it, and then Daisy ready like half of Third Nephi and they lovd church, woohoo! I love it when people are prepared by the Lord, makes my job a lot easier
Alexandre is still a work in progress. Sometimes I cant believe how trapped in the world some people are, and how, even when they KNOW what they want, and they KNOW that the gospel is whats right, they dont want to change. Alexandre's problem/excuse is that hes afraid if he's baptised he'll mess up after...but thats exactly why we have REPENTENCE.

Gente... Never let the fear of doing something wrong stop you from doing something right.
I'm sorry this email isnt very exciting. It was a rushed week, we taught, we contacted, we knocked doors, we did that service project, é isso. I arrive home exhausted every night! But it's good to be working hard.
Moral of the story: GIVE REFERENCES TO MISSIONARIES. I have now repented and will be a much better member when I get home daqui 9 meses.
I'm sorry I dont have much to say, more next week! With pictures!
I love you all. Thank you for your prayers and I love hearing news form all you. I always read your emails, even if I dont always respond (and those of you that have sent packages, theyre in the missin office waiting for me to get them Thursday, woohoo!)
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