Well, hold on tight folks, because I have a LOT to write about! This week was AWESOME.
First off, we got some new investigators! Like I said before, we were lacking investigators because we baptised all of our old ones (haha, yay!) this week the Lord truly guided us. We looked up some references that we had, and apperantly the Elders 6 months ago had contacted them, but then the Elders were transfered and these investigators were just forgotten. But we found them and they are still very interested and we are teaching them! We already marked the baptism of one of them, a 16 year old girl named Rayane. ALSO! We are teaching Luiza, the 8 year old neice of an inactive member. She already goes to church by herself for 3 years. Pretty amazing for an 8 year old, ne? She is SOOO cute and I already LOVE her to death. She is always so excited to see us and we always play a little after the lessons. Last time we were practicing our Top Model walk and poses with her scarf. So cute!!!
Like I've said before, its truly amazing the LOVE i feel for these people. I jsut want what is best for them sooo much. And I love seeing them grow in the understanding of who they are and why they're here and the role the Saviour plays in their life.
So my birthday was good! The day before we went to an AWESOME churruscaria (mmm, Brasilian meat!) and I got a free peice of cake =] The actual b-day was good too. As far as missionary work days go, it wasnt super exciting. Our Golden Family said they dont want to hear the messages anymore, and Sis Lemos got a hair cut. But we had an FHE/birthday party that night with a girl in the ward and her two friends who we're currently teaching. it was SO fun, and the cake was gorgeous (see attached fotos). I love this ward. I feel so much love from the members and have truly made some great friendships with the members and our investigators.
Friday we had our Tour da Missão with Elder Araújo of the 70. WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW. He spoke from 10am-2pm and I didnt want it to end! He is an AMAZING speaker--hilarious, but at the same time really driving home some important doctrine and principles and other things about missionary work. I took SO many notes and just had so much personal revelation and it was just amazing. What I really realized is how what I do here will reflect in the rest of my life. that the mission is the "MTC" for life! I have to keep asking myself if what i'm doing here is who I want to be for the rest of my life! If I dont like something, I need to change and be better. By far the best conference I've had yet.
Saturday was an awesome day. We had our two recent converts, Junior and Jairo (ages 17 and 18) come with us for a taste of the missionary life. Theyve been members 1-2 months, but they're both SO excited to serve missions already. And they picked a great day to come with us too. We started at 1:30 and didnt get stop until 9 pm and we visted a TON of people. They were like "how do you WALK SO MUCH?!?!?!" and it also POURED for like an hour as we all tried to huddle under my huge umbrella, hahahahaha. But they loved it and even helped teach! Theyre excited to go with us again. We were excited because its always good to have members with you at the lessons because they help integrate the investigator more in the ward. they were already making friends with the people we teach. Just awesome =]
Yesterday was good. Followed up some investigators, and church was great. I taught the Gospel Principles class. it was basically teaching the first discussion, but in more detail. I really like teaching. After, we were talking to some members, and they were liek "hey, we have a reference of a family for you!" so we were really excited. Then they were like "do you want some cake? we have a bunch of left over chocolate cake at home" so we got even more excited. Then they offered us a ride, and as we were at their house eating this delicious cake, they offered us dinner, and then they were talking about their chain of jewelery stores and how they wanted to open some in Sao Paulo and they basically offered Sis Lemos a job when she gets home. Then they invited us to an FHE tonight with some neighbors!!!! Walking home we were like "We did SOMETHING right this week, because the Lord sure blessed us today!" hahahaha. It was just really funny.
Moral of the story! Feed Missionaries and give references!
Ok, enough talk. FOTOS!
1) Me and Sis Lemos being goofy in the Brasilian verson of Walmart
2) Drinking Fanta Uva (grape soda)
3) My birthday party! Me, Mari, Bethe, Gabi, Lemos, Polly
4) Blowing out the candle of the gorgeous cake Gabi made
5) Sis Lemos, Gabi (investigator) and Me!!!!
LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
~Sister Wilkinson
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